One liner learning log

Medical leave= NA

Casual Leave=0

15th may : OPD
16th may : attended 2-4 session ,read about sarcoidosis,prepared for Monday case presentation
17th May: Sunday rounds and searched article regarding therapeutic options and trails in CML ,reviewed those.
18th may : Presented RCT comparing Imatinib vs INf alpha + cytarabine

19th May: Answered few theory based questions in 2-4 class
20 th may :Discussed  evaluation of hypogonadism.
21st may :  Shared literature around arrangement of fibres in Internal capsule
22nd May: OPD
23rd may: Investigated our case of Neurobechets / sarcoidosis ,Discussed with radiologist and reviewed literature
24th may: rotational duty day
25th may: Case presentation of atypical Demyelinating disease ?
Presented journal - Neurobechets
26th may- discussed pathogenesis of DKA , Difference btw HHS and DKA

27th May - presented  update of 45/F with Demyelinating disease

28th may-. Took history and examined 18/M with Ascending paralysis
29th may: OPD
30th may :   PCV and hemorrhagic shock , Coagulation pathway
31st: sun day rounds of our suspected Neurobechets - she improved after giving Methylprednisolone and doing well !


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